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Help! Am I missing the Agile bus

posted on July 25, 2017 / 0 Comments

The Agile era is upon us, don't get left behind!If you are wondering how to proceed with changing to Agile and have no clue where to start, why not have an AGILE ASSESSMENT?An Agile assessment is a minimal investment to either find out how to proceed with implementing an Agile solution OR if you are already using Agile, how effective it is!

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Scrum Coaching Retreat – South Africa 2015 – Synopsis

posted on July 25, 2017 / 0 Comments

The Scrum Coaching Retreat held in Cape Town, South Africa this week flew by in a flash!The retreat started off with a ‘Get up to speed‘ workshop run by Growing Agile which was a nice intro to get to meet other like minded coaches and discuss burning issues raised by us, the coaching community.Beginning with some great warm up exercises certainly got the energy going. After the four hour workshop new friendships had already started to form!Of the many subjects discussed namely:Agile upwards (c level)How to keep the focus on values and principlesWhat is the next small thing change agents can doDistributed teamsIncentives & consequencesExternal …

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Solutionsonsite launches agile training aimed at business

posted on July 25, 2017 / 0 Comments

The course benefits companies in supplying the best agile requirements for their software development teams, says Solutionsonsite’s Sue Bramhall.Solutionsonsite, an agile software training company,  has introduced a training course for business professionals involved in managing agile software development.According to the company, the two-day Agile Business Analyst course is the only ICAgile-accredited training programme in Africa and Europe, specifically addressing the need for better business requirements management in today’s instant-gratification, Web-driven software development market.The course will conclude its first run in Cape Town on 16 March and will then be offered in Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg on an ongoing basis. …

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Is your organization mentally ready for Agile?

posted on February 2, 2016 / 0 Comments

Agile frameworks themselves are actually really simple to follow even to the point of learning say Scrum in 1-2 minutes – see hereSo why then does agile fail in some organizations and not in others if its so simple?You guessed it….People!  Subjectively when you read or view information on an Agile framework, you think “ah, that sounds easy and transparent, we should do that”BUTWhen trying to roll out an Agile framework in an organisation you may find some of the following arising:Requirements are lacking and not formulated properly with clear acceptance criteria – an attitude of ‘we are agile we dont need …

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For Business Analysts & product owners on Agile Projects, training can be the difference between a mediocre and a great performance on the team. Sue Bramhall, consultant and owner of Solutionsonsite, says a high number of software development projects fail due to poor and unclear business requirements. “When a company takes on a major development project, they often assign product ownership to business analysts, product owners or other similarly qualified professionals, whose core skills don’t necessarily extend to managing Agile business requirements,” says Bramhall.“In today’s fast-moving and highly cost-sensitive environment, CEOs don’t want to spend months and months developing, analysing and revising …

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Agile in Civil Engineering!

posted on September 25, 2015 / 0 Comments

It was with great excitement that my most resent Agile and Scrum 101 course was a hybrid of civil engineers and software developers, the learning’s where phenomenal! You would think in civil engineering as they have a tangible product like a bridge, a building,  a dam etc, and they know every last detail upfront that there would be no place for Agile, that this would be a strictly waterfall approach right, Wrong!They may know a lot more detail than us as software developers as it would be a little challenging to build a bridge incrementally and to keep changing the design as …

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Solutionsonsite and Scrum Sense are extremely excited to be bringing Benjamin Fellis from Germany over to South Africa to offer his Creative Visualisation workshops!  Definitely not to be missed!Visual Methods | Convincing with simple visual tricksThe ability to visualize is becoming an important skill for many fields in professional work life. Known as Visual Facilitation, Visual Recording, Graphic Facilitation, Graphic Recording, Scribing or Vizthinking. It refers to the way of documenting and presenting spoken language into pictures and metaphors. These workshops serve as a first step into the exciting world of visualization –  on posters, flipcharts as well as normal sized paper. 1 day –  Visual Facilitation Foundation workshopThis workshop …

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about the blog

Solutionsonsite is a boutique consultancy which specialises in closing the gap between business and IT. Using Agile techniques we will review and assess your environment and specific issues. We formulate a clear plan of action using training and coaching on where and how you can improve! We will inspire your greatest resource, People!